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A user can query and interact with the transfer module using the CLI. Use the --help flag to discover the available commands:


The query commands allow users to query transfer state.

simd query ibc-transfer --help


The tx commands allow users to interact with the controller submodule.

simd tx ibc-transfer --help


The transfer command allows users to execute cross-chain token transfers from the source port ID and channel ID on the sending chain.

simd tx ibc-transfer transfer [src-port] [src-channel] [receiver] [coins] [flags]

Multiple tokens can be transferred on the same transaction by specifying a comma-separated list of amount and denomination (e.g. 100uatom,100uosmo) in the coins option.

The additional flags that can be used with the command are:

  • --packet-timeout-height to specify the timeout block height in the format {revision}-{height}. The default value is 0-0, which effectively disables the timeout. Timeout height can only be absolute, therefore this option must be used in combination with --absolute-timeouts set to true.
  • --packet-timeout-timestamp to specify the timeout timestamp in nanoseconds. The timeout can be either relative (from the current UTC time) or absolute. The default value is 10 minutes (and thus relative). The timeout is disabled when set to 0.
  • --absolute-timeouts to interpret the timeout timestamp as an absolute value (when set to true). The default value is false (and thus the timeout is considered relative to current UTC time).
  • --memo to specify the memo string to be sent along with the transfer packet. If forwarding is used, then the memo string will be carried through the intermediary chains to the final destination.
  • --forwarding to specify forwarding information in the form of a comma separated list of source port ID/channel ID pairs at each intermediary chain (e.g. transfer/channel-0,transfer/channel-1).
  • --unwind to specify if the tokens must be automatically unwound to there origin chain. This option can be used in combination with --forwarding to forward the tokens to the final destination after unwinding. When this flag is true, the tokens specified in the coins option must all have the same denomination trace path (i.e. all tokens must be IBC vouchers sharing exactly the same set of destination port/channel IDs in their denomination trace path). Arguments [src-port] and [src-channel] must not be passed if the --unwind flag is specified.


The total-escrow command allows users to query the total amount in escrow for a particular coin denomination regardless of the transfer channel from where the coins were sent out.

simd query ibc-transfer total-escrow [denom] [flags]


simd query ibc-transfer total-escrow samoleans

Example Output:

amount: "100"


A user can query the transfer module using gRPC endpoints.


The TotalEscrowForDenom endpoint allows users to query the total amount in escrow for a particular coin denomination regardless of the transfer channel from where the coins were sent out.



grpcurl -plaintext \
-d '{"denom":"samoleans"}' \
localhost:9090 \

Example output:

"amount": "100"