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This guide provides instructions for migrating 08-wasm versions.

From ibc-go v7.3.x to ibc-go v8.0.x


In the 08-wasm versions compatible with ibc-go v7.3.x and above from the v7 release line, the checksums of the uploaded Wasm bytecodes are all stored under a single key. From ibc-go v8.0.x the checksums are stored using collections.KeySet, whose full functionality became available in Cosmos SDK v0.50. There is therefore an automatic migration handler configured in the 08-wasm module to migrate the stored checksums to collections.KeySet.

From v0.1.0+ibc-go-v8.0-wasmvm-v1.5 to v0.2.0-ibc-go-v8.3-wasmvm-v2.0

The WasmEngine interface has been updated to reflect changes in the function signatures of Wasm VM:

type WasmEngine interface {
- StoreCode(code wasmvm.WasmCode) (wasmvm.Checksum, error)
+ StoreCode(code wasmvm.WasmCode, gasLimit uint64) (wasmvmtypes.Checksum, uint64, error)

StoreCodeUnchecked(code wasmvm.WasmCode) (wasmvm.Checksum, error)

checksum wasmvm.Checksum,
env wasmvmtypes.Env,
info wasmvmtypes.MessageInfo,
initMsg []byte,
store wasmvm.KVStore,
goapi wasmvm.GoAPI,
querier wasmvm.Querier,
gasMeter wasmvm.GasMeter,
gasLimit uint64,
deserCost wasmvmtypes.UFraction,
- ) (*wasmvmtypes.Response, uint64, error)
+ ) (*wasmvmtypes.ContractResult, uint64, error)

checksum wasmvm.Checksum,
env wasmvmtypes.Env,
queryMsg []byte,
store wasmvm.KVStore,
goapi wasmvm.GoAPI,
querier wasmvm.Querier,
gasMeter wasmvm.GasMeter,
gasLimit uint64,
deserCost wasmvmtypes.UFraction,
- ) ([]byte, uint64, error)
+ ) (*wasmvmtypes.QueryResult, uint64, error)

checksum wasmvm.Checksum,
env wasmvmtypes.Env,
migrateMsg []byte,
store wasmvm.KVStore,
goapi wasmvm.GoAPI,
querier wasmvm.Querier,
gasMeter wasmvm.GasMeter,
gasLimit uint64,
deserCost wasmvmtypes.UFraction,
- ) (*wasmvmtypes.Response, uint64, error)
+ ) (*wasmvmtypes.ContractResult, uint64, error)

checksum wasmvm.Checksum,
env wasmvmtypes.Env,
sudoMsg []byte,
store wasmvm.KVStore,
goapi wasmvm.GoAPI,
querier wasmvm.Querier,
gasMeter wasmvm.GasMeter,
gasLimit uint64,
deserCost wasmvmtypes.UFraction,
- ) (*wasmvmtypes.Response, uint64, error)
+ ) (*wasmvmtypes.ContractResult, uint64, error)

GetCode(checksum wasmvm.Checksum) (wasmvm.WasmCode, error)

Pin(checksum wasmvm.Checksum) error

Unpin(checksum wasmvm.Checksum) error

Similar changes were required in the functions of MockWasmEngine interface.


The SupportedCapabilities field of WasmConfig is now of type []string:

type WasmConfig struct {
DataDir string
- SupportedCapabilities string
+ SupportedCapabilities []string
ContractDebugMode bool