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Set up your work environment

On this page, you can find helpful links to set up your work environment.


In this section, you can find all you need to install:


On a general note, it is advisable to prepare a separate project folder to keep all your Cosmos exercises.


Install Git following the instructions on the Git website. Test if Git is installed by running the following command:

git --version


Install the latest version of Go following the instructions on the Go website. Test if Go is installed by running the following command:

go version


Install Hermes relayer version v1.7.4 via cargo following the instructions on the Hermes website or by using the command below.

cargo install ibc-relayer-cli --version 1.7.4 --bin hermes --locked

Test if Hermes is installed by running the following command:

hermes version


Install version 18 of Node.js following the instructions on the Node.js website. Test if Node.js is installed by running the following command:

node --version


Install Ignite CLI version v0.27.1 by running the following command or following the instructions on the Ignite website:

curl! | bash

Test if the correct version of Ignite is installed by running the following command:

ignite version


Install Keplr to your browser following the instructions on the Keplr website.