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Version: v9.0.x



A fungible token cross chain transfer is achieved by using the MsgTransfer:

type MsgTransfer struct {
SourcePort string
SourceChannel string
// Deprecated: Use Tokens instead.
Token sdk.Coin
Sender string
Receiver string
TimeoutHeight ibcexported.Height
TimeoutTimestamp uint64
Memo string
Tokens []sdk.Coin
Forwarding *Forwarding

type Forwarding struct {
Unwind bool
Hops []Hop

type Hop struct {
PortId string
ChannelId string

Multi-denom token transfers and token forwarding are features supported only on ICS20 v2 transfer channels.

If Forwarding is nil, this message is expected to fail if:

  • SourcePort is invalid (see 24-host naming requirements.
  • SourceChannel is invalid (see 24-host naming requirements).
  • Tokens must not be empty.
  • Each Coin in Tokens must satisfy the following:
  • Sender is empty.
  • Receiver is empty or contains more than 2048 bytes.
  • Memo contains more than 32768 bytes.
  • TimeoutHeight and TimeoutTimestamp are both zero.

If Forwarding is not nil, then to use forwarding you must either set Unwind to true or provide a non-empty list of Hops. Setting both Unwind to true and providing a non-empty list of Hops is allowed, but the total number of hops that is formed as a combination of the hops needed to unwind the tokens and the hops to forward them afterwards to the final destination must not exceed 8. When using forwarding, timeout must be specified using only TimeoutTimestamp (i.e. TimeoutHeight must be zero). Please note that the timeout timestamp must take into account the time that it may take tokens to be forwarded through the intermediary chains. Additionally, please note that the MsgTransfer will fail if:

  • Hops is not empty, and the number of elements of Hops is greater than 8, or either the PortId or ChannelId of any of the Hops is not a valid identifier.
  • Unwind is true, and either the coins to be transferred have different denomination traces, or SourcePort and SourceChannel are not empty strings (they must be empty because they are set by the transfer module, since it has access to the denomination trace information and is thus able to know the source port ID, channel ID to use in order to unwind the tokens). If Unwind is true, the transfer module expects the tokens in MsgTransfer to not be native to the sending chain (i.e. they must be IBC vouchers).

Please note that the Token field is deprecated and users should now use Tokens instead. If Token is used then Tokens must be empty. Similarly, if Tokens is used then Token should be left empty. This message will send a fungible token to the counterparty chain represented by the counterparty Channel End connected to the Channel End with the identifiers SourcePort and SourceChannel.

The denomination provided for transfer should correspond to the same denomination represented on this chain. The prefixes will be added as necessary upon by the receiving chain.

If the Amount is set to the maximum value for a 256-bit unsigned integer (i.e. 2^256 - 1), then the whole balance of the corresponding denomination will be transferred. The helper function UnboundedSpendLimit in the types package of the transfer module provides the sentinel value that can be used.


The memo field was added to allow applications and users to attach metadata to transfer packets. The field is optional and may be left empty. When it is used to attach metadata for a particular middleware, the memo field should be represented as a json object where different middlewares use different json keys.

For example, the following memo field is used by the callbacks middleware to attach a source callback to a transfer packet:

"src_callback": {
"address": "callbackAddressString",
// optional
"gas_limit": "userDefinedGasLimitString",

You can find more information about other applications that use the memo field in the chain registry.

Please note that the memo field is always meant to be consumed only on the final destination chain. This means that the transfer module will guarantee that the memo field in the intermediary chains is empty.